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functions libraryの例文


  • Most computer programming languages provide function libraries that include the trigonometric functions.
  • Function libraries also implemented a very important security feature, linkage classes.
  • Many PL-1 programs could be compiled with little modification, though SBasic did not offer an extensive function library.
  • "' Ox "'is an object-oriented matrix programming language with a mathematical and statistical function library, developed by Jurgen Doornik.
  • They share the same data model, type system, and function library, and both include XPath 2.0 as a sublanguage.
  • All non-portable functionality was encapsulated in a library layer called SFL ( the " standard function library " ).
  • The High-level synthesis tool CoDeveloper includes an Impulse C compiler and related function library intended for development of FPGA-based applications.
  • They share the same data model ( XDM ), type system, and function library, and both include XPath 2.0 as a sublanguage.
  • IE is really just a collection of function libraries, like a bunch of Legos slapped together to make a statue of George Washington.
  • All three languages share the same data model ( the XDM ), type system, and function library, and were developed together and published on the same day.
  • An independent project, libopenmetaverse, offers a function library for interacting with " Second Life " servers . libopenmetaverse has been used to create non-graphic third party viewers.
  • "' Impulse C "'is a subset of the C programming language combined with a C-compatible function library supporting parallel programming, in particular for programming of applications targeting FPGA devices.
  • "' XLeratorDB "'is a suite of database function libraries that enable Microsoft SQL Server to perform a wide range of additional ( non-native ) business intelligence and ad hoc analytics.
  • It is mostly feature complete with respect to the C edition, with a few exceptions, and shares the C edition's API . The current edition uses Python's foreign function library, ctypes.
  • Sections of reusable PostScript code can be modularized into " procsets " ( procedure sets, corresponding to function libraries in other programming languages ), in order to ease the generation of PostScript code.
  • Double-precision floating-point implementations of the gamma function and its logarithm are now available in most scientific computing software and special functions libraries, for example TK Solver, Matlab, GNU Octave, and the GNU Scientific Library.
  • CPU-intensive functions are written or  in case of model dependent functions  dynamically generated in C . Modeling can be done interactively using graphical user interfaces or based on MATLAB scripts using the PottersWheel function library.
  • This interest has inspired open source communities to produce a large amount of software, including simple function libraries, development frameworks ( e . g . the Spring Framework, Apache Wicket, Dojo Toolkit, Mule and Apache ServiceMix Enterprise service buses ).
  • An independent project, libopenmetaverse, offers a function library for interacting with Second Life servers . libopenmetaverse has been used to create non-graphic third party viewers, including SLEEK, a text browser using . NET, and Ajaxlife, a text viewer that runs in a web browser.
  • It would help if we knew what the OP needs in a bit more detail : a function library ? a standalone app ? to be run from a command line or otherwise ?  talk ) 05 : 21, 27 October 2008 ( UTC)
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